facebook virtual reality in Miami

Facebook is rolling out virtual reality into your news feed. Facebook virtual reality is an exciting development in the field of social media marketing Miami patrons can enjoy and nationwide because it expands the possibilities for businesses to interact with their customers and it gives them an innovative way to draw in potential clients. However, to fully understand what this means, it is important to get an in-depth look at what exactly Facebook is doing and what this could mean for your business. MyCity Social, a business offering social media marketing Miami trusts, can assist you in your social media marketing needs.


Facebook virtual reality


Facebook’s new venture is virtual reality, with tests already underway for developers to produce VR experiences on Facebook’s News Feed. They are hoping that people will be able to interact with the VR via posts on the feed and the tests use Facebook’s React VR web development framework. With this, they are hoping to create an interactive experience that people would be able to access through web browser.


The way that the interactive VR will work is by presenting viewers with a 360-degree video wherein they can pan around and tap on objects in the space within the experience. This will be presented through a preview on the News Feed and, once tapped, will open to the full 360 video.


Oculus involvement


Facebook’s involvement with virtual reality does not come unprecedented. Facebook acquired Oculus, the VR company, in 2014 and has since been launching several projects to increase the awareness and usage of virtual reality. These projects include Facebook Spaces, 3D Posts, and now with the added enhancement of having developers be able to create 3D content, Facebook is really looking to transform their user experience in a significant way.


What this means for your business


This means an expansion of possibilities for the digital marketing realm. By utilizing virtual reality, businesses can create an entirely innovative experience for potential customers by providing virtual tours of their spaces, virtual experiences of their services, and many other options. The introduction of virtual reality means that there will be an added expectation for businesses to adapt to the new medium and it would be wise for businesses to at the very least familiarize themselves with the technology in order to better understand how to handle its impact.


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The development of Facebook virtual reality in the News Feed can mean a great deal. It is showing Facebook’s commitment toward the new and relatively unexplored medium and it means an expansion in the way that businesses and companies can interact with their consumer base. There are a number of components to look at and understand to understand how this change can impact you—and whether it will at all—but what is certain is that this means there are even more exciting developments to come. To stay up-to-date on all of these and how they can impact your business, contact MyCity Social, a business offering social media marketing Miami trusts, for information.


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