Google AdWords business

Digital marketing is very important when you are running a business. If you want your business to be successful, we are no longer in the world of paper and pen, online marketing is vital for the survival and growth of your company. The world is always changing and so is technology so make sure you educate yourself on the latest and greatest when it comes to marketing your product or services. One thing you will want to pay close attention to is Google AdWords. This service is for businesses that want to display ads on Google for consumers to see when they are using the search engine. With this program, you can set a budget for your ad and only pay for them when someone clicks on the ad. It is very focused on keywords and is able to see how many people are clicking on your ads to help you define who your market realistically is and doesn’t cost a ton of money!

What Are The Crawl Budget Rules

When you see the word “rules”, you may hesitate but one thing the creator of the Crawl Budget Rules wants to emphasize is that publishers do not have to worry about the new rules. It is not something a webmaster needs to focus on. Larger sites will need some analysis done in order to prioritize what to crawl. The crawl rate limits the maximum fetching rate for a site. Crawling is the main priority for Google while making sure it doesn’t degrade the experience of the users who are viewing the site. The crawl rate can fluctuate based on a number of things including:

  • Crawl Health- If the site is responding quickly for a long time, the limit will increase. This means more connections can be used to crawl. If the site is slower or responds with errors, the limit will lower and Google will, in turn, crawl less.
  • Limit Set in Search Console- Website owners can reduce the crawling of their site. Remember, setting higher limits doesn’t necessarily mean the crawling will increase. Google AdWords can be very beneficial to you when Google is crawling sites.

Crawl Demand

If the crawl rate limit is not reached and there is no demand from indexing, there will be minimal activity from Google. There are 2 factors that play a vital role in the crawl demand:

  • Popularity- If a URL is more popular on the internet as opposed to others, they will be crawled more often to keep them fresh in the index. The more popular the site is, the more crawls it will have.
  • Staleness- The system prevents urls from becoming stale within the index.

When you take the crawl rate and crawl demand together, you can define the crawl budget as the number of URL’s Google can and will crawl.


If you are looking to find out more about the crawl budget rules put in place by Google, talk to a digital marketing expert at MyCity Social. We can answer any questions you have about the crawl rate and Google AdWords. Contact us today at 866-955-3287 or visit our website


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