MyCity Social digital marketing metrics

With the exception of major corporations that have in-house website professionals, most small to mid-size companies have a tendency to short themselves in terms of website maintenance. They typically believe that just creating a website and uploading a few pictures along with writing some content about the products they offer is good enough to earn a lot of business. However, what they do not realize is that website maintenance is just as important as the appearance of their physical business, as an outdated site looks just as bad as an office building that has not seen fresh paint in over a decade. Now, we will take a look at some of the vital benefits associated with what our SEO Tampa experts offer here at MyCity Social.


Maintain Site’s Appearance

While having a website for your business is a great start, there are always updates that need to be done to ensure that everything is in working order. Think about it, how many times have you attempted to visit a company’s website to discover that it fails to load, or that a link to their contact form fails to work. These issues are a guaranteed loss of business from that customer today, and it is highly likely the customer will also fail to return in the future.


Monitor Website Security

Every day, people are attempting to hack websites, and the scary thing is that corporate websites are not the only ones being targeted. In fact, some experts have stated that many cyber criminals have a tendency to attack the easiest targets, which are smaller businesses that do not know how to monitor the loopholes in their website’s security. Regardless of how big or small your company is, hackers who gain access to your customers’ personal information can be financially devastating to you, and your business’ reputation will be permanently damaged.


Search-Engine Optimization

With a quick search, you will find hundreds of companies selling cheap website templates that claim to give your company an online presence starting tonight. The only problem is that simply purchasing a domain name and a template for your business are far from enough to earn the first click from a potential customer. Instead, you need to utilize SEO techniques, such as posting regular content and getting reputable sites to link to your site.


Services We Offer

-Search-engine optimization

-Website security monitoring

-Monitoring for broken links and contact forms

-Content updates

-Website statistics

While any website maintenance company would be lying if they promised a certain conversion rate, we can guarantee that our SEO Tampa professionals here at MyCity Social will ensure that your site represents your business in the most professional manner. Sure, you may temporarily hesitate when it comes to committing to us as you likely view it as an added expense, but the reality is that you are going to quickly fall behind your competition if you fail to build and maintain a web presence for your business. For more information regarding how our company can help boost yours, do not hesitate to call us today.

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