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If you are thinking of updating your website design, MyCity Social can give you the resources that you have been looking for and make sure that all of your SEO efforts are preserved in the process. As an agency that offers SEO Tampa businesses trust, we understand that a website redesign is not always a straightforward process and there are things that can go wrong. We have the tools to make sure that your website redesign transitions smoothly. Contact us to learn more about how we could help you and your business.

Are You Updating Your Website Design?

When you begin to update your website design, you are putting yourself at risk of losing all the SEO efforts that you have made over time. This happens when people engage in a redesign without taking the necessary precautions. For instance, some people change over to HTTPS, change their domain, and completely revamp their website design all at once. This change can be disastrous for your SEO.

There are many issues that can crop up with your website redesign, but being aware of these at the outset will allow you to plan accordingly and be on alert for whatever may occur. Some of the issues that may come up are:

• New technical issues

• New content could be added

• Old content could be deleted

• Domain may change

• Internal link structure could change

• URLs may change

Tips for Preserving Your SEO Efforts

Thankfully, there are several things that you can do to assure that your SEO efforts will not be wasted. These things may take extra time in your redesign, but they will make certain that you do not lose critical information during the redesign.

• Keep Your Old Site Live: Keep your old site so that if you run into any issues with the new site, you have your old site for reference. Make sure that your old site cannot be crawled.

• Save Your Crawl Data: Save an old crawl of the site even if only on a temporary URL. You can even load up the old site crawl if you have to perform an analysis.

• Content: If you already have great content, then you probably do not want to adjust it to begin with. Keep from changing the content until after it has been indexed and is ranking normally.

• Technical Site Audit: A technical site audit tool can give you proactive information on technical issues. These types of tools can assist you in identifying and resolving any technical SEO issues that come up.

To get the perfect website redesign, MyCity Social can help you. We are a company that offers SEO Tampa businesses trust.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about how MyCity Social could help you, contact us today or visit our website. We can give you the assistance you need to make sure that your website redesign happens exactly as you planned. Contact us or visit our website to learn more about our services for your business.



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