Target Market in Orlando

What are your real customers searching for on the internet? It seems like a fairly straightforward question, but once you begin to dig into research and data, things become a lot more muddy. Even if a word or phrase is searched for often, that fact alone doesn’t mean that those are your customers. When you also factor in voice search and intent, it ends up making the entire keyword research process even MORE complicated. Even though a paid search campaign is able to give you insight into your “money” keywords- those that convert into customers and/or sales, there are also many other ways to discover what real customers search. As a top provider of SEO Miami business owners trust, MyCity Social is responsible for getting traffic to the websites of our clients, so that they don’t’ have to worry about the hassle of SEO marketing and keeping up with trends and data. That’s not our only job, however. There are some major questions that come up with search engine optimization and keyword strategy, like: How does that traffic play into our ROI? And are those visitors converting? Successful SEO conversion depends on getting visitors who will turn into leads, customers, or sales. This is where a deep keyword research process can help you in your SEO efforts. The go-to tools and techniques that we’re going to discuss will show you the difference between average keyword research and a keyword research process that gets customers on your site. Call MyCity Social for a consultation about your SEO needs today!


SEO Marketing In Keyword Evolution


We are currently in a time where intent-based searches are more important to us than pure volume. This means that as search engines strive to understand the user better, SEO specialists have to be just as savvy about it too, meaning that SEO specialists have to be very familiar with their prospects and clients. Moreover, it’s important to consider voice search and how that growth will impact web traffic and ultimately conversions. The majority of SEO specialists are already on this track, but if you aren’t or are looking to sharpen your research skills, there are many tools and tactics that you are able to employ. Here are some go-to tools and techniques that makes a real difference when applied, leading to interested web visitors:

  • Get to know the human(s) you’re hunting- It’s extremely essential to know your target audience well. As an SEO specialist, you need to take the extra step in order to learn the questions customers are asking and how they are describing their problems. In marketing, you are focusing on solving a problem. SEO is marketing. This means that targeted keywords and content focus needs to be centered on this concept. You can get to know the human(s) you’re targeting through an analysis of your target audience. It makes your keyword research more personal and relevant. 
  • Go beyond traditional keyword tools- Keyword research tools are a fantastic tool in your SEO arsenal. Not only do they streamline the process of finding some great words and phrases, but there also are tools that provide suggested or related terms that help us build our lists. However, it’s important to remember the tools that are not so obvious! Demographics Pro, for example, is designed to give users detailed insights into social media audiences, which in turn gives you a sense of who might be searching for your brand or products. This shows you what your potential social media demographic is interested in and what they may be looking for, putting you on the right track to target words your customers are using versus words that your company believes people are using. You are also able to view competitors and other brands’ audience information on Followerwonk, which provides a word cloud to show you what users include in their bios (like keyword opportunities, for example).
    • More tools to use- You’re also able to get similar data about your prospective clients and customers with a free tool called “Social Searcher.” All you have to do is put in your keyword(s)! With Social Searcher, you’re also able to choose the source and the post type. You are also able to see recent posts, users, sentiment, and even related words. Say you want to create and optimize videos for certain keywords with Social Searcher. This tool allows you to filter by YouTube so you are able to see what is already out there and get insight into how you may be able to optimize your videos. Another great tool to be aware of is Seed Keywords, which is especially helpful if you are struggling with your keywords. With Seed Keywords, you can create a search scenario that you can then send to your friends, and is especially useful if you are in a niche industry and it is hard to find keywords. After you’ve created the search scenario, you get a link that you are able to send to people. The words that they use to search are then collected and you can utilize them, as they are all possible keywords.


More On Targeted Keywords


  • Determine trends- You have to identify trending keywords in order to capture relevant and timely traffic. If you’re optimizing a website that offers seasonal products or services, for example, you will have to be aware of what people are searching for and when. Another key example is our current situation. There are all types of keyword trends that are beyond the obvious words and phrases throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the pandemic, people were searching for information to avoid weight gain, and how to move a team to a virtual environment. To find out trends that can impact your consumer base, you should go to Google Trends. Make sure to filter by date and even location, if applicable. 
  • Dig into intent- Once you’ve figured out the keyword targets, it’s time to take it a bit deeper. It’s important to find what type of content is ranking for those keywords, which can give SEO specialists an idea of what Google, and the searchers, believe the intent to be. In order to provide a straightforward example of intent, since there are so many other types of intent that occurs during the buyer’s journey, let’s focus on two main categories of intent: Buy and Know
    • So how has the competitive landscape changed?- Look and see if your competitors secured their market positions in recent months. For example, maybe you’re targeting the term “Organic tea.” Based on what the results are, Google determines whether the searcher’s intent is to purchase fair trade coffee or just to learn more about it. In such a case, the page that you’re trying to optimize can be targeted toward either intent. Tools like SpyFu, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and many more can help you determine what pages are ranking for your targeted keywords. You simply click through them to figure out the intent of the pages. 
  • Go from keywords to questions- People look up questions. That’s not newsworthy, but we should all be capitalizing on all of the opportunities in order to answer such questions. This means that you should always remember the long-tail keyword. Some of the best tools to assist with finding questions include AnswerthePublic, Question Analyzer by BuzzSumo, and AlsoAskedcom. 
    • Answerthepublic utilizes autosuggest technology in order to present the common questions and phrases which are associated with your keywords. A visualization of data is generated in order to assist with getting a  better feel for the topics that are being searched. With this tool you receive a list of questions, along with other data in that area.
    • Another tool that MyCity Social, a provider of SEO Miami business owners trust, utilizes is The Question Analyze by BuzzSumo. This locates the most popular questions that are asked across countless forums and websites, including Amazon, Reddit, and Quora. 
    • is another tool to use in order to identify questions. It is based on Google’s People Also Ask data, and this tool offers insight into long-tail searches (the relationships between topics and questions). 


Leave It To MyCity Social 


The internet has changed the way that we do everyday things in many ways. Now more than ever, your potential clients and customers are depending on the internet to connect with you, which is why it’s so important to keep up with trends on the internet along with new techniques and tools in order to optimize your content and connect your products and services with your target audience. This requires a significant amount of continuous research, analyses, and truly getting to know your target audience and what they are looking for on the internet. The main focus for any business’s SEO marketing efforts, especially in the age of COVID-19 when their audience is mostly trapped inside of their homes and consuming massive amounts of content, should be on how to get customers to your website. This is done by knowing how to draw them in with the right keywords, questions, and content, as discussed above. 


Even though this is so essential for businesses everywhere, as a business owner your time is precious. Wracking your brains trying to figure out SEO trends and learn keyword research may not be the best use of your time, when you could be spending it making money and improving your business in other ways. This is where an SEO and digital marketing firm like MyCity Social comes in. We take care of your SEO needs and provide you with content that is always optimized up to the latest Google trends so that you don’t have to worry about it at all- just leave it with us! We believe that the key to generating meaningful digital marketing results all begins with getting to know you and your business personally. Our highly experienced and skilled team of digital marketers will first get to know you and your business before we start your marketing campaigns, so that we are able to be savvy to all of the things that your target audience may be looking for, as discussed above. As digital marketing experts, we will put together a marketing strategy for your business based on your individual needs, and then coordinate every part of your online marketing with your digital marketing team to ensure the very best results. 


Contact Us Today

As a top SEO and digital marketing firm in Florida, we have offices all across the state and work with clients all across the nation. We have a special focus on small businesses as we believe here at MyCity Social that no matter what the size of your business you can have a great online presence and expand your business through our services. Our highly skilled and experienced team of SEO specialists and digital marketing experts take the hassle off your shoulders so that you can focus on growing your business and not spending large amounts of time on things that our professionals could produce better results with. Call MyCity Social for SEO Miami business owners rely on today!

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