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If you’re in the digital marketing field, you have definitely heard the term Google machine learning as an Orlando SEO expert MyCity Social in Orlando explains that computer systems use machine learning to study scientific algorithms and statistics in order to perform specific tasks without getting explicit instructions. This relies on patterns and inferences instead of given instructions. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence and is used by hundreds of companies and businesses to help with their digital marketing initiatives. When it comes to how Google thinks and operates there are two different components to its algorithm that the system uses, Neural Matching and Rank Brain. If you are trying to grow the awareness of your business, it is essential to understand what each of these algorithms is and how they are different. Understanding these things can help make sure that when you are optimizing your content or having it optimized by your SEO specialists, it is done correctly. Keep reading to learn more about each of these components and how they can impact your company’s search result rankings.

Google Machine Learning: Neural Matching vs. Rank Brain

Understanding how Google thinks is important to being able to optimize your content, so it shows up high in search results. As the Orlando SEO expert, MyCity Social makes it a point to help their clients understand that when it comes to digital marketing, you can never pay too much attention to detail. When it comes to Google, there are two key components that should be considered when you are optimizing content. The first is Neural Matching and the second is Rank Brain. In order to understand both of these components, you need to have the background knowledge on both.

Even if you are a digital marketing expert, you may not know exactly what Rank Brain is. It is a component of Google’s core algorithm that helps computers teach themselves from data inputs to figure out and pull the most relevant search results. Google uses these components to determine which results are most relevant to each query that is typed into the site. When a query is inputted into Google, it goes through an interpretation model that analyzes different factors like the location of the person who is conducting the search and the words from the query that can help determine the searcher’s true intent for their search. By identifying the true purpose of a query, Google is able to figure out what the searcher is really looking for and in need of. This allows the search engine to deliver the most relevant search results. Now you may be thinking to yourself that this seems to be exactly like any other component or algorithm, but the machine learning part of Rank Brain is what sets it apart from the others. The Rank Brain algorithm can be taught allowing it to be updated continuously. To do this, Google feeds the Rank Brain data from various sources, and then the component calculates the results and teaches itself to match these sources with search engine rankings and then produces the results you see on a search engine page. When you’re trying to understand something, it is always better when an example is presented to you, especially when you are trying to get a handle on the inner workings of computer technology. Let’s look at a possible search like “Olympics location.” The first thing that Google would try to figure out through Rank Brain is what the true intent of this query is? Is the person looking for results about the summer or winter Olympics? Are they talking about the Olympic games in the past or future? Is the searcher attending the Olympics and looking for directions to the venue? Perhaps they’re searching for the history of the Olympic Games dating all the way back to ancient Greece. If the algorithm you are using is simple, it may only pull the results that have earned the most links. What this means is that the results a searcher sees may not be relevant to what their needs are at all. It is during this complicated scenario that the capacity of Rank Brain is proven useful. Because this component can mathematically calculate results based on the machine learnings that was noticed in the searcher’s behavior. For instance, in this case, the majority of people’s behaviors show that people who are searching “Olympics location” want to know where the future Olympics are going to take place rather than the ones in the past. Because a majority of people have been looking for this-this smart technology can teach itself to show these results. Although these results will check the box and intent behind most of the intent behind this query, it is a fact that there will be exceptions and this is something Google and Rank Brain needed to address. If the component recognizes that a search is being conducted from a city where Olympic games either are being held or have been held in the past Google may provide directions to the venue where the opening ceremonies took place or where a certain event was held. What all of this means is that Rank Brain is using its intelligence to teach itself when and what results are most relevant. It is also important to note that Rank Brain is a work in progress, which means it isn’t always going to provide the right answer, and it may take a little trial and error before it is intuitive enough to provide the right answers most of the time. The fact that it’s a learning technology means it needs to be given the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. One of the best ways to test to what extent Rank Brain influences the Google algorithm and how well it works is by testing it to see how well it can interpret your intent with queries that you conduct. You may find yourself questioning how exactly all of this affects the way you handle your search engine optimization, and the answer is simple, it all depends on your SEO skills or your business’ SEO skills. Depending on whether or not your skills are sophisticated or at a novice level Rank Brain may have a minor or major change on your theories on SEO as well as your SEO practices. The truth is that there are three different concepts that are essential for you to understand in order to determine how they will affect your personal search engine optimization. The first is “ different rankings signals apply to different searches.” Second is “signals apply to your website’s reputation.” Finally, “one-keyword-one page is really dead.”

It’s hard to believe that Google has just turned twenty years old and with that birthday the company announced a few changes that it would be making. Although all of the changes being made were different, they all centered around the same thing, AI or artificial intelligence. One of the things that the company announced they’d be changing moving forward is the use of a “neural matching” algorithm. This new algorithm will help its systems better understand overall concepts and searches. According to the executives at Google, this new algorithm will affect about thirty percent of the searches conducted through the website. The use of the AI will allow the system to connect better to connect better the words used during a search query to different concepts. In simpler terms, what this means is Google has gotten better at recognizing synonyms or as the company likes to call them “super synonyms.” For example, there is something called the “soap opera effect,” which not many people have heard of so don’t feel bad if you don’t know what it is. All this mean is that your TV looks a bit strange so what happens now with Google using neural matching is when someone types in the search query “why does my TV look strange?” their search results will show “the soap opera effect” since the two are synonyms for one another. Although Google has the ability to do this before it wasn’t being done as constantly as it is now. The purpose of this algorithm change is to help Google better understand and figure out what users are looking for when they conduct a search. So even if you don’t know exactly what you’re searching for or what it’s called Google now has the ability to tell you. For users, this is great because your search results are answering questions you didn’t even know you had, which is why Google has implemented this change. User experience has always been a top priority for the company, so this new algorithm is helping them achieve that goal. Also, the algorithm isn’t only showing synonyms; it is also picking them based on how often they are used in certain contexts and situations. As a company, Google never likes the share the information on exactly how their algorithms work. They always like to keep just enough a secret. However, they do share enough information so you can get a general idea about the inner workings. Google publishes a lot of their research, which gives people an insider’s look into what is happening. In their latest research on AI, they explain and talk about Deep Relevance Ranking, which is also known as Ad-Hoc Retrieval. In this process documents within a larger collection are ranked depending on a query and the text within each document. During the process, documents are also ranked the “traditional way” by links and such before the Deep Relevance Ranking comes in to look for “super synonyms.” Because of this, the rankings become less focused on traditional search engine optimization techniques like the use of keywords and links. It becomes more focused on matching searches to websites using only the queries and sites. This means that this new algorithm that Google is using can greatly impact the way you are handling your company’s SEO. In terms of successful digital marketing user experience and creative content is becoming even more important than it was before. For some people, this is great news because it means that more attention can be spent on developing the experience for their customers and page content instead of focusing so much time and effort on making sure they have the right keywords. This new AI algorithm isn’t the end of the artificial intelligence changes that Google is making. The company also unveiled a few other new approaches they are taking to improve searches. There are three major shifts that are going to be taking place. The first is “the shift from answers to journeys.” Next is “the shift from queries to providing queryless way to get information.” Finally, the last shift is “from text to a more visual answer.” All of these shifts will help improve the user experience with Google and make sure all queries that are conduct through their site provide answers.

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MyCity Social has gained recognition throughout the Orlando area as being the Orlando SEO expert. We pride ourselves on having extensive knowledge in the internet marketing field, which has made our clients come to us again and again for the advice and help understanding google machine learning. We make it our top priority to help businesses reach their full marketing potential through unique and strategic tactics. Call or visit us today to find out how we can help you.


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