How to do SEO for Ecommerce Website

Navigating the dynamic labyrinth of e-commerce can seem formidable, particularly when the task at hand involves optimizing your digital footprint. With Search Engine Optimization (SEO) playing an increasingly pivotal role in the visibility and success of your online store, understanding how to do SEO for e-commerce website and staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and trends is non-negotiable.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide valuable insights into the world of e-commerce SEO as it stands in 2023. From keyword research and technical SEO to on-page optimization and additional tips from MyCity Social for success, you’ll find a wealth of information to help take your e-commerce SEO strategy to new heights.


What is E-commerce SEO and Why It is Important?

E-commerce SEO refers to the process of enhancing your online store’s visibility within the organic search results of major search engines. Just as traditional brick-and-mortar businesses rely heavily on foot traffic, online stores hinge on digital traffic, with a significant portion stemming from search engines like Google.

SEO serves as a beacon, guiding potential customers to your store amidst the vast expanse of the online market. When done effectively, it significantly improves your store’s ranking on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), leading to increased organic traffic. This heightened visibility fosters customer trust, enhances your store’s credibility, and boosts conversion rates, driving sales upward. In an increasingly competitive e-commerce landscape, ignoring SEO is no longer an option.


E-commerce SEO Master Plan

An effective e-commerce SEO strategy is comprehensive, encompassing a wide range of techniques and tactics. It should be systematic and thoroughly planned, covering every aspect of your website, from its design and content to its technical performance. This journey from the surface to the underlying mechanics of your website can drastically enhance its attractiveness to both search engines and users, propelling your online store toward the top of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).


Conduct Keyword Research

The foundation of a successful SEO strategy is effective keyword research. This involves identifying and understanding the search terms your potential customers use when looking for the products or services you offer. The more accurately you can align your website and its content with these search terms, the more likely your store is to appear when customers search for these keywords.

Types of Keyword Intent

Understanding keyword intent is crucial to identifying what your potential customers are looking for when they initiate a search. There are four primary types of keyword intent:

  • Informational (seeking information)
  • Navigational (looking for a specific website)
  • Transactional (ready to make a purchase)
  • Commercial investigation (comparing products or services with an intent to purchase soon).

Aligning your keywords with these categories ensures your content meets your customers’ needs at every stage of their journey.

Long tail & Short tail Keywords

In your keyword strategy, it’s essential to strike a balance between long-tail and short-tail keywords. Short tail keywords are broader terms with a high search volume but also high competition. On the other hand, long tail keywords are more specific, usually composed of three or more words. They may attract less traffic but often have a higher conversion rate due to their specificity. The right mix of both will optimize your reach and chances of ranking high on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Best Keyword Research Tools

In your quest for the perfect keywords, tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can prove invaluable. These tools offer insights into the search volume of your chosen keywords, their competitiveness, and the difficulty level of ranking for them. Armed with this data, you can make well-informed decisions and fine-tune your keyword strategy.


On-page Optimization of E-commerce Site

On-page optimization is about tweaking every visible aspect of your website to make it more appealing and accessible to both users and search engines. It’s about enhancing your website’s readability, loading speed, navigation, and design while strategically incorporating keywords into your content.

Optimize Main Content with Primary and Secondary Keywords

One of the keys to on-page optimization is strategically placing your primary and secondary keywords within your main content. Now this doesn’t mean stuffing your content with keywords. Instead, it involves using them naturally and sensibly to maintain readability and prevent the content from appearing spammy to search engines. This can significantly boost your relevance for those keywords and improve your ranking on SERPs.

Optimize Images

Images can dramatically improve your site’s appeal, but they must be optimized. This involves using descriptive file names, adding alt tags to provide a text alternative that describes the image, and compressing your images to reduce file size and improve page load speed. An often-overlooked aspect of image SEO is incorporating relevant keywords into your file names and alt tags, making your images more searchable.

Optimize URL

A URL is like an address guiding search engines and users to your webpage. A good URL should be concise, descriptive, and easy to read, giving both search engines and users an idea of what the page is about. Incorporating relevant keywords into your URLs can also contribute to your SEO.

Optimize Meta Title & Meta Description

The meta title and meta description summarize your webpage’s content. They appear on SERPs and significantly influence a user’s decision to click on your page. Ensuring they are engaging, informative, and contain your primary keyword can substantially improve your click-through rate.

Optimize User Experience

A user-friendly and engaging website can keep visitors on your site for longer periods. This can lower the bounce rate – the rate at which users leave your site quickly – and could potentially increase the chances of them making a purchase or using your services, thereby improving conversion rates. This process includes having a responsive design that looks great on all devices, easy and intuitive navigation, and fast loading times. Search engines such as Google consider these factors when ranking websites, making user experience a critical component of on-page SEO.


Technical Optimization of E-commerce Site

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your site for the crawling and indexing phase. It involves enhancing the technical aspects of your website—like site speed and mobile optimization—to make it easy for SE (search engine) spiders to crawl and index. It’s like giving search engines a roadmap to your website, ensuring they understand your content and can easily index it.

Optimize Page Loading Speed

A slow website can frustrate users, causing them to leave and increase your bounce rate. Google utilizes page load speed as a ranking factor, so ensuring your pages load quickly is highly critical. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help identify areas that need improvement.

Optimize URL Structure

A clear and concise URL structure helps search engines, and users understand and navigate your site. It should be logical and consistent, containing keywords related to your page content. Each word should be separated by a hyphen to ensure readability.

Use Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are navigational aids that help users understand their location within your site. They enhance the user experience, help search engines understand your site structure, and can even appear in search results, potentially improving your click-through rate.

Delete all Duplicate Pages

Duplicate pages can confuse search engines and lead to lower rankings. They can be dealt with by using 301 redirects, which guide users and search engines to the correct page, or canonical tags, which inform search engines about the exact version of a page to index.

Add a Sitemap

Simply put, a sitemap is a blueprint of your site that helps search engines find, crawl, and index all of your site’s content. Submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console ensures all your pages are discovered and indexed.

Get an SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate encrypts data transmitted between a user’s browser and your website, protecting it from being intercepted. In addition to reassuring users their data is safe, Google uses SSL as a ranking signal, so having one can enhance your site’s SEO.

Resolve all Site Errors

Using tools like Google Search Console, you can identify and resolve any issues with your website. Common problems can include broken links, 404 errors, and issues with mobile usability. By regularly auditing and addressing these issues, you can ensure your site provides the best possible experience for users and search engines alike.


Some Extra Tips

Boosting your e-commerce SEO doesn’t end with on-page and technical optimization. Here are some additional strategies that, while not directly impacting your site’s ranking, can complement your SEO efforts and amplify your overall digital marketing strategy.

Start a Blog

Starting a blog on your e-commerce website can offer several benefits. A blog not only helps you share updates and important information with your customers but also allows you to target long-tail keywords that may not fit naturally into your product pages. A regularly updated blog can drive consistent traffic to your website and establish you as an authority in your industry. Furthermore, it provides valuable opportunities for internal linking.

Add Video Content on Your Page

Video content is a great way to engage visitors and keep them on your site longer. By offering product demonstrations, how-to videos, customer testimonials, or even behind-the-scenes footage, you can provide valuable content to your visitors and enhance their user experience. Additionally, Google often includes video results in its SERPs, offering another way for your site to be discovered.

Be Active on Social Media

While social media doesn’t directly impact SEO, an active presence on popular platforms can drive traffic to your site and increase brand awareness. Sharing updates, engaging with your followers, and promoting your products can all contribute to increased visibility and potential sales.

Hire an SEO Company

If you need more time or expertise to handle your site’s SEO, consider hiring a professional SEO company like MyCity Social. We can ensure your e-commerce site is fully optimized and stays current with the latest SEO trends and best practices.



Is SEO Important for E-commerce Stores?

Yes, SEO is essential for any e-commerce store. It enhances your site’s visibility, drives organic traffic, and can significantly boost sales. Without SEO, your online store may struggle to stand out in the crowded e-commerce market.

Is SEO Worth it for E-commerce?

Absolutely, SEO is worth the investment for e-commerce businesses. While it requires an initial investment of time and resources, the long-term benefits include increased visibility, consistent organic traffic, and increased sales.

How Long Does E-commerce SEO Take?

SEO is not a quick fix. It’s a long-term strategy that can take several months to see results. However, once you start ranking, the benefits are long-lasting and often self-sustaining, making SEO a valuable investment.

Can I Manage My Own SEO?

Yes, you can manage your own SEO. However, it requires a significant investment of time and continuous effort. SEO is constantly evolving, so you’ll need to stay updated with the most recent SEO trends and algorithm updates. If you don’t have the time or expertise, consider hiring a professional SEO company.



Understanding how to do SEO for e-commerce website and optimizing your e-commerce site for search engines is an ongoing process that requires attention to detail, strategic planning, and consistent effort. It may seem challenging, but the potential benefits of grasping “how to do SEO for an ecommerce website” are substantial. To achieve these SEO goals for your ecommerce website, take advantage of My City Social Ecommerce SEO services. Contact us today to optimize your online store and drive organic traffic


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