SEO services expert Tampa

Any SEO services expert can tell you that if you do not perform search engine marketing properly. You can incur penalties from Google. MyCity Social, the search engine marketing expert in Tampa. You can help to ensure that you have your website optimized for Google and that you avoid any penalties which may come as a result of algorithm changes. If you are interested in learning more or you have questions about SEO in general, feel free to contact us and see how we can help your business and your website.

What are Google Penalties?

Google penalties are things that are done on your website if it violates the guidelines that Google holds. There are two types of violations that can result in a penalty. These are algorithm-based, which are automatic, and manual which are granted as a result of a direct and purposeful action. Google does not refer to these things as penalties but the result is the same. Your website will suffer as a result of the Google’s new classification.

There are ways for you to avoid these penalties that will save you the trouble of having to raise your ranking after your website penalize. These three rules are:

  •       Do Not Buy Links: Those links that add SEO value to your site should look as natural as possible. If you do have paid links. You make sure that they have a “nofollow” attribute placed on them and avoid link schemes entirely.
  •       Use Your Keywords Sparingly: If you stuff your content with exact repetitions of a particular key phrase, that can hurt your rankings. Keywords are still important but you have to make sure that your keywords are worked into your content in a natural way.
  •       Make Your Content Original: You cannot rank if your content is not unique. Having an interesting and original content is half the battle when it comes to making sure that you actually rank with your content.

There are several different penalties that can affect your website depending on what you do. For instance, the Google Panda Penalty penalizes you if you provide poor quality content. If the algorithm thinks that your website is low-quality, it will make it more difficult for your pages to rank. This is especially the case when your website has product pages with manufacturer descriptions and duplicate content.

Do You Need an SEO Services Expert?

The Panda Penalty is not the only one that exists. There are several others which require you to make sure that your site is always performing at its best. To get help with your website, contact MyCity Social, the SEO services expert. We can assist you with any number of search engine marketing problems.

Contact Us

MyCity Social has convenient locations in Tampa, Orlando, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale. If you are having trouble getting your website to rank, make sure to contact us at MyCity Social to get the help that you need to avoid penalties from Google. Contact us today to learn more.


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