SEO trends

As most SEO companies know, Search Engine Optimization is vital for success and attracting customers to online platforms. However, SEO is constantly changing, and there’s more to it now than ever before.

As such, you must keep up to date with all of the latest SEO trends. Here’s a look at some of the biggest SEO trends for 2022.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Likely To Play A Bigger Role

The use and popularity of AI have continued to rise in recent years. It is predicted that AI will play a major role with SEO services, particularly the Google AI algorithm, which will likely be among the most important ranking actors for the search engine.

Since Google ranked RankBrain, most businesses have been wondering how this is likely to affect SEO and cater to content strategy.


There’s Going To Be A Shift For Long-Form Content

To ensure that SEO companies engage and captivate their readers whenever they visit their sites, they must shift from short-form content to long-form. This means 3,000 words and more. This has shown to have more traffic.

When the focus is shifted to creating more quality and long-form content, there shall be an improvement in search rankings. However, for this long-form content to succeed, it must be relevant to keep the readers engaged.


There Will Be Greater Emphasis On Mobile Friendliness! 

Mobile-friendliness is already a much-talked-about topic, and in the coming years, it’s likely to be the cornerstone for SEO.

This has been the case since Google officially made it a part of their ranking factor back in 2015. It is, therefore, more critical now than ever before, and you must optimize your content for mobile devices if you wish to be successful with internet marketing.

In 2019, Google rolled out their mobile-first indexing, which means that they are primarily looking at mobile versions of websites when ranking the content.


Content Must Be Able To Fulfill The Eat Principle Of Google

For a while now, SEO companies have been aware that quality is critical when it comes to ranking. But, sometimes, this leaves most companies wondering what “quality content” actually means.

When trying to improve their content, companies will be required to refer to Google’s EAT principle. EAT means Expert, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Google has used these three points to determine whether a web page has quality content or not. It is something that SEO companies must be aware of when they are developing their content.


Successful SEO requires a video

This is perhaps the most important of all SEO trends. If you are not doing so already, then you should start including videos as a part of your content. It is imperative in SEO strategy that your content includes a video.

The fact that an online platform (TikTok) has already exploded in the last few years due to videos, makes this a no-brainer.


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