blogging for SEO in Tampa

If you a business owner with an online presence, chances are good that you have a blog. However, there are a number of business owners who are not capitalizing on their blog to its fullest potential. Blogging for SEO results is a valid strategy for business owners to use to improve their ranking. If you would like to learn more about this, contact MyCity Social, a Tampa SEO company, for more information.

1) Have a distinct & relevant blog title

Simply titling your blog “Blog” makes you miss out on the opportunity to use the title to draw in more visitors. Make your blog title relevant and appealing and people will be more compelled to read it. This is especially true if the title is what they see as a result in their search.

2) Always keep your audience in mind when blogging for SEO

Rather than being general when writing your blogs in order to cater to every member of your audience, it is far more effective to compartmentalize and target a smaller portion of your audience at a time. For instance, if you are a mortgage broker, your audience is home buyers. However, for a particular blog, you could write with first time home buyers in mind rather than all home buyers and it would give you better results.

3) Shorten the URLs

Some blog titles can get lengthy. If your URL is simply the blog title and the blog title is already long, you are going to have quite a lengthy URL that is going to be difficult to read. Keep it short and relevant, remembering to leave out conjunctions.

4) Optimize already published content

Going into older content and ensuring that it is optimized is just as important as optimizing current content. For instance, you could add in links to other relevant content on the site or optimize the images or add in new ones if there aren’t any present.

5) Identify and target content gaps

If there is an SEO phrase that you are struggling to rank for and your website lacks content relating to that phrase, that would be a great topic for a blog. This way you can fill in that gap and make sure that you begin to rank for that phrase.

6) Add optimized videos and pictures

You should always include images in your blog posts. Make sure that you use descriptive alt tags to optimize them. Pictures and videos not only engage your reader but they also provide you additional opportunities to get traffic to your post.

7) Don’t forget your data markup

Data markup clarifies the content on your page and classifies it which may change the way that search engine result pages interpret the content. This means that your data markup can help you control the way that your content is interpreted in search.

8) Utilize social media

Sharing your blog posts increases traffic to your content. Social signals are included in the algorithm for search results and improves your overall SEO if you can get traffic to your posts through social media sharing.

Contact Us

A Tampa SEO company can help you learn how to utilize blogging for SEO effectively. Contact MyCity Social, a leading Tampa SEO company, for information on how you can optimize your business’s blog.


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